Monday, November 18, 2013

Mikayla's Mom's Chocolate Chip Banana Nut Muffin Recipe

I work with Mikayla and she brings in these muffins on a regular basis.  Finally I got to taste one and they are yummy! Thank you Mikayla's Mom for sharing the recipe.

2.5 cups of all-purpose flour
1/2 c. granulated sugar
1/2 c. brown sugar
3.5 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp salt
3 TBLS vegetable oil
1.3 c. milk
1 egg
1 c. choc. chips
1 c. chopped nuts
2-3 ripe medium bananas

heat oven to 350 degrees. pour mix into greased muffin tin, bake for 30 to 35 minutes. loosen sides, remove from pan and cool completely. makes a little more than a dozen.

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