Abby Zabby went to Emergency Pet Care last night to see Dr. Annie Bowes. She has been having a hard time breathing and coughing. Joe said that she wasn't enjoying her walks with the same vigor and has been insisting that something was wrong with Abby. Dr. Annie listened to Abby's heart and lungs, then took x-rays of her heart, lungs and liver. She showed me the x-rays and explained that Abby's lungs were really congested to the point that the heart was bearly visible. Abby's heart is enlarged and her liver looks twice the size it should be. Dr. Annie said it was because the liver is trying to compensate for her heart.

The good news: Abby is on a much more concentrated heart medication which she must now take twice a day, the hope is it will clear up the congestion which will stop the coughing and though her heart will not go back to a regular size, I'm hoping her liver will decrease in size, but I can't remember if Dr. Annie said it would get smaller or not. Dr. Annie also put Abby on blood pressure medicine, which she said can be tricky; even though the company gives a dosage recommendation, Dr. Annie said that every dog reacts differently to the meds and she needs to be watched closely to make sure she doesn't become to larthargic.
I called my dad and he said, "Daughter I am so sorry, but they are just like people when they get older they need their meds."
Joe was right and Dr. Annie said it was a good thing that he noticed the changes in her behavior. Thanks Joe and Dr. Annie!