Thursday, May 22, 2014

First Ride of the Season on Kota!

I finally got Kota's saddle back from the saddle shop.  It needed a several items fixed before I rode him with it.  I wanted our first day back in the saddle to be stress free. I saddled him up and he gave a big heave when I tightened the saddle.  After about 10 minutes of lundging  I climbed on and we mostly walked, turned and trotted for about 15 minutes.  I then rode him back to the house and down the short cut about 20 feet turned around and called it a success! Megan is coming for a visit on June 13 and Yenta Clydesdale is having a picnic and I want Kota ready to follow Beau and Megan for the pre-ride.  

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