Saturday, September 24, 2016

Ahni Frankenstein

Meet Ahni Frankenstein. Poor little girl.

I went down to thepasture to give the horses some carrots and check on them. Ahni came over to me and didn't take her carrot. I looked at her and noticed she was drooling blood; I thought she had an abcess or cracked a tooth. O walked back up tothebarnand grabbed a halter, walked back down where she lowered her head so I could put the halter on. Walked her up to the garage soicould oeek into her mouth. I immediately saw she had cut her tongue and it looked like it was cut to the center frim the side. I texted Dr. Annie, and she asked if it looked like she needed stitches. I said Yes I think a few. She said Pete (her husband) was driving her and they would be rigjt there.  I had already, unsuccessfully, tried to give Ahni some oral pain meds, she shook her head and i had butte in my hair, on my shirt and later found some in my right ear, as well as it all over Ahni's left side. Annie must have thought I was trying to bathe her in it when she cracked up about Ahni won that one!
After Annie sedated her and opened her mouth, I recieved the shock of my life! Ahni's tongue was only hanging on by a thread! I must have lost all color in my face because Annie immediately siad, look she still has feeling in the tip and there's fresh blood, this must have just happened before you went down. I held the light and pulled the sides of Ahni's cheeks back and Dr. Annie began stitching it together from the midfle of her tongue working her way out. About two hours later and three pain injections she had sewn her tongue back on. Annie told me to check twice a day to make sure  the outer stitches stay intact, if not she will come back up ASAP snd restitch them. She also said theres an excellent chance of a full recovery since it was caught so early. Ahni has to be by herself for at least the next month to discourage biting her brothers. Annie thinks is she must have somehow bitten down on her tongue. 
Thank You thank you thank you Dr. Annie!!!!!
The pictures are quite graphic. 



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