Monday, September 9, 2013

Fall is Coming! I can feel it!

 Fall is on the way.  The nights are getting cooler, the sun is setting earlier and rising later.  I love waking up to crisp air in the morning.  Joe and I are still trying to finish up our summer projects.  We have finished digging all the holes for the post for the goats pen.  Hopefully, in the next couple of days we will finish the rails and field fencing. Lexi, loves to hang out and watch us work.   I sometimes get distracted petting her and giving her kisses when I'm supposed to be working :0)
 The turkeys seem to be visiting every morning.  I just love the little ones pecking around the back yard.  Although, I don't like it when Abby rolls in their poop and tries to come into the house :0)
 Finally, my gladiola's are finally blooming. I have always planted some where ever I live in loving memory of my green-thumb grandma.  I know she would have loved it here in North Idaho.

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