Sunday, November 9, 2014

From the Goat to Joe's Head.

Front left: Xavier, Front right Lars, Back: Lena
Let's start with the fleece; it's from Xavier the Pygora goat and Rosie (i have no idea what kind of goat she is.)  
 I shear them  twice a year, in the spring and in the fall.

Rosie, coming in after playing in the snow.
After sheering the goats, the wool has to be soaked several times in hot soapy water, but you can not agitate it, otherwise you will end up with felted wool.
The fleece is rinsed several times and finally dried.

Raw washed fleece.
Close up of the fleece.
Weighing the dried washed fleece.

Fleece picker.  It opens up the fleece.
The fleece on the left is washed, the fleece on the right is what it
looks like after you run it through the picker.
A basket full of picked fleece.  It's now time to run it through
the carder.

The carder takes the fleece and blends it together to create roving.
Taking the fleece off of the carder.
The peeled off version of the fleece after it comes off the carder.

Rolled up and ready to be spun.

My Spinning Wheel

Taking it off the spinning wheel
Letting it dry.

Getting it ready to make a ball of yarn.
Creating a ball of yarn.

Nice ball of yarn about 230 yards.
All set for Joe! Love you! Hope it keeps your head warm!

TADA! All done!

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