Monday, November 3, 2014

I love Fall!

 Fall is the time for the smell of fresh bread baking in the oven.
Puppy dogs snuggling up in blankets
Crochet a new neck wrap.
I bought a book on bread written by a Jesuit Priest
several years ago.  I have made many of his breads
and they have all been wonderful. 
Joe loves sourdough, so I thought I would give
it a try.  I have never made sour dough before, 
because when I want bread, I want it today.
I started the sour dough starter when Joe was 
in California last week, which worked out perfect.
I made it yesterday morning and Oh My! 
It is so good with butter and my home canned 
Choke Cherry Jelly.  Yum Yum!

 Little Lucy snuggling up in her blankets, daddy needs
to build her a proper fire :0)

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