We have been experiencing snow, rain and hail off an on for the last week. Three days ago I snapped this picture of what I think is a Raven (although I am not sure). Sorry the phone picture just doesn't capture the beauty. It was snowing lightly and the bird was just sitting out in it. 

Last night I went out to feed around 7 pm and it was sprinkling, by the time I was mucking stalls it started hailing and on the metal roof of the barn it was so loud it was deafening. The two younger horses Kota and Ahni tried to bolt from their stalls only to find their path blocked from the down pour of hail. They stood under the lean too for a few seconds, resided that there was nothing else to do but go back inside and finish eating. At the height, Beau went out under the lean too, but calmly returned to his stall to finish dinner. 

The goats and dogs wanted nothing to do with the outside. I had to wait for about 5 minutes until it stopped, then I made a mad dash back to the house hoping it didn't hail on me.
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