Sunday, November 6, 2016
A surprise gift
Jamie is the massage therapist Joe and I have been going to since we moved to North Idaho over 6 years ago. She is so sweet and kind. She recently moved her business to her home. I made her this little rug to match the walls of her massage room, out of torn up sheets. I hope she likes it. Bumi and Sokka wanted it, but I said no.😂
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Ahni Frankenstein
Meet Ahni Frankenstein. Poor little girl.
I went down to thepasture to give the horses some carrots and check on them. Ahni came over to me and didn't take her carrot. I looked at her and noticed she was drooling blood; I thought she had an abcess or cracked a tooth. O walked back up tothebarnand grabbed a halter, walked back down where she lowered her head so I could put the halter on. Walked her up to the garage soicould oeek into her mouth. I immediately saw she had cut her tongue and it looked like it was cut to the center frim the side. I texted Dr. Annie, and she asked if it looked like she needed stitches. I said Yes I think a few. She said Pete (her husband) was driving her and they would be rigjt there. I had already, unsuccessfully, tried to give Ahni some oral pain meds, she shook her head and i had butte in my hair, on my shirt and later found some in my right ear, as well as it all over Ahni's left side. Annie must have thought I was trying to bathe her in it when she cracked up about Ahni won that one!
After Annie sedated her and opened her mouth, I recieved the shock of my life! Ahni's tongue was only hanging on by a thread! I must have lost all color in my face because Annie immediately siad, look she still has feeling in the tip and there's fresh blood, this must have just happened before you went down. I held the light and pulled the sides of Ahni's cheeks back and Dr. Annie began stitching it together from the midfle of her tongue working her way out. About two hours later and three pain injections she had sewn her tongue back on. Annie told me to check twice a day to make sure the outer stitches stay intact, if not she will come back up ASAP snd restitch them. She also said theres an excellent chance of a full recovery since it was caught so early. Ahni has to be by herself for at least the next month to discourage biting her brothers. Annie thinks is she must have somehow bitten down on her tongue.
Thank You thank you thank you Dr. Annie!!!!!
The pictures are quite graphic.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Wood for Winter!
The last two days were spent splitting wood. My right arm and shoulder are killing me, but it will be well worth the effort when the snow is falling and we're sitting inside drinking coffee. 

Friday, September 9, 2016
Lucky Dogs Day
Joe came home from walking Lucy and Lexi, he said there were two big dogs down by our gate that were barking and growling at him and the girls. He said one had three legs and the other looked liked it had a broken leg. He said he told them he'd send his wife to come check on them.

I quickly grabbed hotdogs and two leashes; and zoomed down in my Subaru! I drove down about 3/4 of a mile and I couldn't find them. I called Joe and he said one was brown and white and the other was tan and he said they were at our gate. I parked at the hay barn and walked down. I got to the gate and was just about to go back when I heard the growls coming from the embankment above on my left; that's when I saw them hiding in the bushes.
I broke off two pieces of hotdog and three them to them, best throw of my life the hotdogs went directly to both of them. The brown and white one gobbled it up and charged down the embankment straight towards me. He jumped up on me giving me licks all over. He quickly ate up the other hotdog as the tan one with the hurt leg made her way down. I put the collars on them and walked up to my car. I felt terrible about the hurt one it looked like her leg was broke. I opened up the back of the Subaru and they both jumped in. I'm glad the hurt one jumped in, because I had no idea how I was going to pick up a hurt dog that didn't know me.🤔
At the house I handed Joe the leashes and ran to get them water and dog crunchies. They both devoured the food and drank water to their hearts content.
I immediately called Dr. Annie Bowes, it went to her voice mail... I called her husband Pete and asked if she was sleeping ( cuz she owns the emergency pet clinic in Post Falls and regularly pulls all nighters). Pete said to text her because she was out on farm calls and to call Animal control because she would need a case number to work on the strays.
I texted Dr. Annie and then called Animal control. At this point I was so upset because I have only been around Shelters that kill ... and I couldn't see them spending money to fix a broken leg on one and adopting out the other three legged dog.
The lady said they would get someone out there soon.
As I hung up I immediately regretted calling them. I saw Annie had texted me back so I called her. I started crying again and she said didn't you read your text?! I said No... She laughed and said I'm on my way, read your text ... Between the tears I laughed and thanked her so much... She is the best!!!
They say timing is everything ... Animal control pulled up and right behind her was Annie. I told the Animal control women, Allysa that I had called my friend Annie and she was going to see if they were chipped and help the hurt one. I wasn't sure I was going to let Allysa take them😬.
Allysa said she had met Dr. Bowes and knew who she was, I forgot Annie helps all the police and sherrif dogs.
One dog was chipped, Allysa called and it was registered to a local vet clinic. Since the dogs ower couldn't be reached at that point Annie put a temporary cast on the hurt dog and gave it something to help with the pain until it could be transferred to a vet clinic to have x-rays done. Allysa assured me the dogs would be well taken care of, they are a NO KILL shelter. Allysa took them and Annie came in for a quick cup of coffee to go. She had a one o'clock appointment just down the street and was running a little late due to an added "emergency ". 😘😘😘😘😘
I hugged her and thanked her and as she left Allysa called me and said you're not going to believe it!!! The dogs belong to the client Annie is going to see at one o'clock. Hey are so happy you found them; they had been looking all night for them. Someone was shooting a gun near their house and the dogs got scared and took off before they could get them in the house.
Now that's a happy story with a happy ending! Thank you so much Dr. Annie and Allysa for your dedicated service to the greater good of animals.
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Front Porch Living
This summer I have been in a mission to create a welcoming front porch. A space where I can enjoy my morning coffee admiring the beauty I am so blessed to be surrounded with each and every day.

I gotta figure something other than plastic bags to hold these flowers with out destroying the wood. Arg...
I will also admit that I love "junking", a term I picked up from my friend Dr. J (Jolenne) and her sisters Nita (who makes the best fried chicken on the planet) and Linda for finding awesome stuff at thrift stores and garage sales etcetera while I was living in Wyoming.
I suppose junking keeps me in touch with the memories of my grand parents who reused everything, that generation who lived through World war II, were the first generation in my life time that were the Original Repurposers.
One day while Joe and I were in town we stopped by a cute Vintage/Antique store in CDA. I admired their wooden screen door, I have been wanting Joe to build me one (but thats another story), I wanted to buy it but unfortunately it was not for sale. There is something about the way a wood screen door sounds when it closes that is comforting. The sales lady said she had another one out back, but it was bright orange. I admit it was hideous, but I wanted it anyway, unfortunately Joe didn't share my enthusiasm at that moment, my practical husband, he tries his damnest to keep me grounded, so we left without the screen door.
As fate would have it Joe left for CA the following week and I just happened to be in town. After I bought it, I didn't really think how I was going to get it in my Subaru. Lucky for me I would not be thwarted!
After I got it home, I first thought I would strip it and paint it white or red then hang it up all before Joe got back from his trip, as I was hatching my design plan I came tothe horrifying realization that it friggen opened the wrong way for my front door! I quickly ran through all the sceneros, I could hang it upside down, I could redo the front door, oh the hell with it, I'll just hang it and let it be backwards, it will only be up for a couple more months anyways.
As I was working on how the hell I was going to hang it, the orange color was beginning to grow on me. I thought who ever painted this door this color must have had one hell of a sense of humor and I decided I didn't want to erase that part of its history.
I also ranted to Megan about how it would be on backwards and how crushed I was with the design flaw that I had missed. She said something along the lines of OMG look up screen doors on pintrest; I think she was growing weary of my self aborbed degradations.
The following pictures are the results of my junking and repurposing the screen door. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed putting it all together!
Finished putting it all together last night around 10:30pm.
Yep I still love it this morning.
Thrift store finds.
I gotta figure something other than plastic bags to hold these flowers with out destroying the wood. Arg...
Have a blessed day!
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Tank's shower and shave.
Tank, my 120 pound Anatolian Shepherd gets "hot spots" because he lives outside and his double coat just holds all the bacteria in.... Argh.....

I give him the meds Dr. Annie says and clean it twice a day with an iodine solution, but there are times when something more drastic must take place. I decided to shave him and give him a bath. Instantly this became a problem, because we don't have a bath tub, not that I could get him in anyway. I couldn't use the outside hose because the water is just too cold, and Dr. Annie said if it's too cold for me it's too cold for him. I had a sedative she gave me and I devised my plan. I decided to lock all the small dogs up stairs and then I would take him into the kids bathroom, where I would give him his sedative, shave and shower. This will be a easy! Enjoy the pictures!
He knows something is up.
After his sedative , he's facing the inevitable.
Such a brave dog!
He's getting sleepy!
Down for the count.
Shaving is complete. This was the worst. He woke up trying to bite the clippers several times, I had to hold his collar with my left hand while I shaved him with my right. Thank goodness he was sedated, otherwise I could have never held him.
Shower time, notice the towel under his head, didn't want him to breathe in any water, because he was lying on top of the drain and I'd have to clear it occasionally.
He didn't like the shower spraybon him, so I had to tie a rag around it to get the wayer to drop straight down.
Got him outside, so he could dry in the sun. He's such a good boy.
Resting peacefully.
Here... Let's take a selfie while I'm waiting for you to wake up.😂
Thank goodness he's a good boy for me, I forget how big he really is until I look at a picture like this.
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Saturday, July 23, 2016
New Girl... Sasha...
Hi all, well I finally found an anatolian to adopt... 2 year old Sasha. The wonderful piece is she was our neighbors and they just wanted a good home for her. She is so beautiful and sweet... Thank you Jan and Jodi for trusting us with her.
New friends! Shasha, Lexi and Tank.
Walking all three of them was awesome!
Thursday, July 14, 2016
No way!
Some days you just can't find rhe energy to get up.
It is also irratating when someone tries to get you out of bed.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Grammy the Dog-Sitter
Megan is down in Boise getting training for her new job and she left me in charge of her babies. Last night around midnight we had a hellacious thunder / rain storm. Bumi, who is usually the protector, did not like the thunder and I felt him move right next to me and put his head on my tummy, he was shaking with fear. I gave him lots of reasurrance and gentley stroked the top of his head. I now have an entourage flanking my every move. I actually feel kinda important!😜
Top to bottom: Sokka, Mickey, Bumi.
For you fashion connoisseurs, you'll have to excuse my outfit, I prefer comfy to style.
Monday, July 11, 2016
Making a step for Bumi
I think I can use these as a base.
I spray painted them black.
Found this old piece of wood.... Not sure what it was used for.
Drilled holes in order to bolt them to the bases.
Found some old foam left over from another project. Cut it to fit the board.
Found an old bath towel, and stapled it on the board. When Megan returns, I will have her pick out some fabric and I'll sew a better fitting cover amd perhaps add somemore stuffing but this will work for now.
Hopefully this will work better than the shorter one. Luv u Meg and Bumi!
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