Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Fun Filled Summer Coming To An End.

Removed 3 birds over 2 days from the fire place box.

Took naps with Minnie Mouse.Enjoyed seeing my mom and dad! 

I still can't believe I got my mom to pet and feed Ahni a carrot. 

 Dad and Mikey working hard in the barn!

Rode Ahni for the first time.

 Enjoyed watching Mickey, Tank and Lexi play in the pasture.

 Loved looking at Annies Sun Flowers!

 Smashed my thumb with the shoeing hammer...not fun!
 Enjoying the tomatoes and cucumbers that cousin Rick gave us when we visited him.
 Helped Meg buy a car.
 Mom smelling Mikey's arm pits...gross!
 Mom and Ahni.
 Dad doing Suduko.
 Visiting the Coeur d'Alene fair and wishing I could figure out how this person made this yarn!
 Picking elderberries...I'm still not done desteming all of them!
 Enjoying the Moose.
 Cutting Firewood.
 Mikey and his pal Rootbeer.
 Riding Kota.
 Retiring my boots.
 Making stained glass.
 Driving my best horse Beau!

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