Friday, September 26, 2014

The joy's of fall.

I just love the colors of fall, but they do come with a warning, winter is on its way and you better be ready.

Hunting season is upon us, so Beau has to flash some color.

 I'm trying to put down straw in the goats pens, Joe and Mikey helped me clean out these stalls last weekend and it's time to renew.  Rosey acts like I never feed her, she loved nibbling on the fresh straw.
 Rosey is giving her pen a look over.
 Xavier, Lars and Lena check out their new bedding too.
 Lexi is enjoying a little down time.  Lars is nibbling on the straw. 
 Even Mickey Mouse came out to the barn to help mommy. 
 I just love the way a barn smells with fresh hay scattered all around.  I still have to fill up the dog houses and the horse stalls, hopefully I will get that all done this weekend.

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